Migraine is the most prevalent disease and it is affecting the most of the population worldwide. It was showing effect on person’s quality of life. In most of the migraineurs the migraine was triggered by some triggering factors by avoiding those triggers we can improve patient quality of life. Relieving factors are also playing a role in relieving the migraine episode. Main aim of our study is to find out any dietary triggers in Indian population because most of the triggers in Indian population are similar to other population but the dietary factors showing some difference. Some of the studies in India reported that there are no dietary triggering factors in Indians. A prospective study was conducted on neurology outpatients from December 2016 to may 2017. Both triggering and relieving factors in migraineurs were collected by interviewing the patient and by verifying their medical records. A total of 250 patients with migraine are interviewed in that majority of migraineurs are females (76%), the prevalence was more in between age group of 30-39 years of age and majority of the patients are migraine without aura, 67% of the migraineurs are triggered by different triggering factors, 32% are without triggers. Major triggering factors are sound (63%) followed by stress (29%), tension (16%) and lack of sleep, sunlight (11%). Cool drinks as a triggering factor in2% of patients, coffee in 1% of patients. 53% of the patients are with one triggering factor, 33% are having 2 triggering factors. In majority of the patients migraine attack is relieved by taking drugs (73%). The triggering factors in Indian population are similar compared with other population but in Indian studies they concluded that there are no dietary triggers in Indian population but in our study population we detected that coffee and cool drinks are dietary triggers. By our study we concluded that in Indians diet also playing a role as migraine trigger.